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Пост N: 136
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 15.06.09 15:06. Заголовок: Первая Мировая Война в Месопотамии и русские части

Интересный рассказ. Английский летчик вспоминает свой полет
на поиск передовых частей русских в Месопотамии
весной 1917года. Звучит фамилия русского генерала Baratoff.
Судя по всему имеется в виду Баратов:
а на англоязычной Вики даже еще подробнее:
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Ответов - 9 [только новые]

Пост N: 137
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 15.06.09 15:23. Заголовок: Еще одна встреча с русскими

Через несколько дней этот английский летчик совершил еще один полет на встречу с русскими.
Вот его впечатления.
Интересно, а с русской стороны есть воспоминания об этом походе?
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Пост N: 138
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 15.06.09 21:43. Заголовок: Bicharakov (Bicharakoff)

Еще из той же книги английского летчика Джона Теннанта.
Новый герой: генерал (или полковник) Bicharakov. Позднее он поступил на службу англичнанам и участвовал в боях против Красной Армии.
[~ноябрь 1917]

A volunteer force of Cossacks under General
Bicharakov had made their appearance from the
mountains of Persia. With 'the revolution the
Russians had melted away to their homes in the
Caucasus, but Bicharakov and his men, being
royalist to the core, preferred to pursue their
profession as soldiers of fortune in the cause of the
Allies to returning to their distressful country.
Colonel Leslie was Chief of the Staff to
Bicharakov ; in spite of his name he was a Russian,
and knew not a word of English or French. A
genial old boy, of gigantic proportions, he was
descended from Scottish ancestors. This fact we
were not allowed to forget. He came down to
Baghdad, and we lunched one very hot day aboard
the " Mantis." Buxton produced a wonderful
repast, thoroughly appreciated by our friend, who
put away vast quantities, and in spite of the sun
washed it down with flagons of creme de menthe.
Between refills he would get up and toast the Czar,
the latter Emperor having already been
deposed; revolution being rife in Russia.
After wonderful barbaric orations, and having
drunk our healths in turn, he would again
wedge his huge body into a chair with a
sigh and assure us that he only lived for the day
when he could retire 'to his native Scotland ! I
expected him to subside with heat apoplexy every
minute. The Cossacks, with Corps Cavalry, were
to cross the Diala on our extreme right and work
round the enemy 'towards Kara Tepe, an infantry
brigade on their left to cross near Kizil Robat and
march on Kara Tepe, and a brigade to attack each
of the passes in the hills on the enemy's front and
right. It was a converging movement of extreme
width; there must have been fifty miles between
the Cavalry Division on the Adhaim and the
Cossacks on the Diala. Prior to this, on the night
of the 30th November, Lieuts. Skinner and Morris
raided the enemy's aircraft at Kifri by moonlight.
Due to ground mis't little result was attained.
[декабрь 1917]
The Cossacks and our cavalry detachment
occupied ground about four miles north-east of
Kara Tepe, and stopped all traffic on 'the Kifri
Road. Air reconnaissance reported the enemy in
position on high ground jus't north of
the town, and the bridge over the Nahrin
river at Nahrin Kupri blown up. At 4 p.m.
'the enemy attacked the Russians, but was
repulsed by machine-gun and shell fire. On the
5th the 35th and 4Oth Brigades passed through
Kara Tepe, and, supported by artillery, captured
the position; the Turks, screened by 'the hilly
country, fled towards Kifri and along the Abu Alik

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Пост N: 139
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 15.06.09 21:46. Заголовок: Перелет Багдад - Тегеран

А вот еще интересное из той же книги воспоминаний Теннанта 1920года: перелет Багдад --> Тегеран (январь 1918г) и обратно
и некоторая роль казаков при этом.
Colonel Stokes, who had been military attache
in Teheran for several years before the war, was
ordered 'to reach the British Legation at that place
as soon as possible. A convoy of Ford cars, under
Major Sir Walter Bart'telot, were making prepara-
tions to trek from Baghdad, but would probably
take some weeks to get through. Stokes
approached me about getting there by air, and we
decided it was a practicable, though perhaps
hazardous, undertaking. Teheran is seven hundred
miles from Baghdad; the course lay over 12,000
feet mountain ranges and wild uncivilised country.
There was no map of any accuracy, and 'the winding
road lost itself among snows and mountain passes.
It promised to be a wonderful flight, and one felt
a great desire to see this remote capital, situated
high up in the mountains hundreds of miles from
civilisation, a centre of the intrigue of many
nations. But it was impossible for me to go.
Browning, who had been with us as observer before
the capture of Baghdad and was now a full-blown
pilot, was entrusted with the enterprise. Two
machines started off, one carrying extra petrol
instead of a passenger. They both replenished at
Kasr-i-Shirin, and went on to Kirmanshah. Land-
ing at Kirmanshah, one was filled up with the spare
fuel from the other, and thus able to negotiate the
further three hundred miles to Teheran.

Browning left Kirmanshah in a snowstorm on the
morning of the 24th, and climbed to 13,500 feet on
a bearing for Asabad. He did not again pick up
the ground till near Kangavar, and only just
cleared the Asabad Pass. The 19,000 feet peak
of Demavand, behind Teheran, was sighted a
hundred and eighty miles away, and gave a good
landmark. On arrival at the Persian capital all
efforts were made to intern him by 'the Swedish
gendarmerie, in spite of the fact that machine-guns
and other armament had been stripped from
his aeroplane at Kirmanshah, so 'that he should
not violate neutrality. (British, Russian, and
Turkish forces had been fighting in Persia
for two years !) But the designs of
the Swedes were frustrated by the superior
numbers of Cossacks present. A guard of forty
was maintained to preserve the machine from
destruction. The natives of Teheran could not
understand 'that the aeroplane itself was the means
of flight, but thought it only the carriage to sit in,
and that the propeller merely acted as a fan to
keep the airman cool while he exerted himself with
some hidden wings, which they were very intent to
discover on the person of the pilo't. They
examined Browning's flying badge, but pointed out
in argument that these " wings " were too small to
fly with, and that there must be others elsewhere.
The town was crowded with enemy, particularly
Austrians freed by the Bolsheviks from
Russian prisons. The German flag flew cheerfully
opposite the Union Jack on the respective Lega-
tions. The warring nationalities kept sullenly to
themselves. The Shah's palace is outside the town ;
he expressed great curiosity to see 'the British aero-
plane, but did not dare to come into Teheran : 'there
were those who were engaged in starving the popu-
lation, having appropriated all the wheat in order to
put up the price. Meanwhile Browning awaited
the arrival of the Ford convoy, to refill with fuel
for the return journey. The time was spent playing
poker with Swedes and Russians and their ladies.
The night before taking off he received a note from
the Shah requesting him to fly over his palace on
his return journey. Immediately before starting,
however, came another note cancelling the request
in case foreign eyes should probe the sanctity
of the harem from above. Browning had
telegraphed to me, via India, that he had landed in
a barrack square, out of which it was hazardous
work to fly the aeroplane. I had wired back
suggesting knocking down a gap in the wall; this
apparently entailed the demolition of the Regular
Persian Army barracks, and the project was but
coldly received by the Legation ! However, he
eventually flew out into the open country by
emptying the tanks and lightening his machine.
Before leaving, Sir Charles Marling insisted that
a passenger, who could speak Persian, should
accompany Browning in case of a forced landing.
Their " ghulam " (porter) was accordingly ordered
to go, and thoroughly enjoyed the flight to Kir-
manshah, where oil and petrol were picked up.
From there Colonel Bicharakov, commanding the
Russian Partisan Detachment, was brought down
to Baghdad. It was a notable achievement; our
aeroplanes then were not Handley-Pages or

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Пост N: 140
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 15.06.09 21:58. Заголовок: И последнее из книги Теннанта

Теннант попал в плен, но вскоре был освобожден, и в процессе
его освобождения опять появляется слово "казак"!
Внизу описывается процесс освобождения.
[март 1918г]
We were having our first wash on the banks of
the Euphrates at about n a.m., when a Cossack
galloped past shouting " Auto!" (automobile), but
I paid no attention, as I was certain that our fellows
could not come nearly as far; we did not know the
extent of the defeat of the Turkish force. In fact,
we had given up any idea of being rescued, under
the impression that there could be nobody within
fifty miles. The Tartars, however, seemed alarmed,
and became threatening. We managed to cool them
down, got on our camels, and went on. Suddenly
there burst the regular stammer of a Maxim quite
close; we looked up expecting to see another
aeroplane ; it was so loud and sudden that the idea
flashed through our minds 'that an aeroplane had
landed to attempt our escape, and we threw our-
selves off our camels and made for the cover of the
river bank. But there, a hundred yards along the
road, as large as life, was an armoured car, with
others behind. I howled it to Hobart, and we went
with heads down as if all the devils in hell were
after us. The Tartars scattered behind the rocks
under the machine-gun fire ; we never looked round.
The officer commanding the cars, Captain Tod,
leapt out and dragged us into the turret, the men
within yelling with excitement. It was beyond
one's wildest dreams. We lay and panted and
talked 'till the open plain was reached, where sniping
would be impossible. There the cars halted,
and we all jumped out; whiskey and bully-beef
were produced the most wonderful meal of one's

But for its perfect execution Tod's exploit could
never have been achieved. He told us that the
Cavalry Brigade were in Ana, Bob Cassels having
got behind the entire Turkish force. To finish off
his triumph Cassels determined to get us back, and
told Tod to pursue with his armoured cars up to
100 miles; if necessary he would feed him with
petrol by aeroplane. Tod came on, scattering the
retreating enemy as he went; the sight of the low
rakish cars terrified the Turk and Arab, who cleared
off the road under cover of the rocks to let him go
by. Many surrendered, and were left by the road-
side without their arms ; at Nahiyeh, where we had
spent the night, a few bursts of machine-gun fire
induced our sleek young friend to haul down the
star- and-crescent and surrender the fort; the dirty
Armenian informed Tod that we were only a few
hours ahead, and on camels. The utmost caution
was now necessary, for the escort had only to drag
us a few yards off the road and we should have been
lost among the rocks, inaccessible to armoured
cars ; or even a surprise semi-complete would give
the guards time to put a bullet through us as they
made good their escape. Tod, in the leading car,
a snake-like Rolls-Royce, sighted us from a hill
some miles away, and crept on cannily. It must
have been about this time that the Cossack had
galloped past shouting " Auto ! " and it was well
that we had managed to quiet our guards and
induced them to consider, as we honestly did our-
selves, that there could not possibly be any cause
for a scare. Meanwhile Tod shortened his distance ;
the road bending among the rocky cliffs helped
him, and 'then he was suddenly on top of us ; seated
at the gun himself, cool and steady, he let fly over
our heads; the rest remained with the gods, and 1
have told about it.
Автор этой книги - John Edward Tennant
был "killed in action" 7 августа 1941 года...

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Пост N: 68
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 06.01.11 23:03. Заголовок: Было бы не плохо, ес..

Было бы не плохо, если бы Вы потрудились сделать перевод, хотябы общую суть рассказов.

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Не зарегистрирован
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 13.01.11 14:32. Заголовок: А есь ли какая-нибу..

А есь ли какая-нибудь информация о полётах русских лётчиков в Иране в 1917-1918 г.г.?

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Пост N: 2871

Замечания: За обсуждение личности участников форума. (П. Тона). За обсуждение личностей участников (NEW, Ctrl A. Del)
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.02.11 11:11. Заголовок: nikolai пишет: А ес..

nikolai пишет:

А есь ли какая-нибудь информация о полётах русских лётчиков в Иране в 1917-1918 г.г.?

Вы смотрели Шишов - Персидский фронт (М., 2010)? Работа общая, но возможно там есть инфа по летчикам

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Пост N: 2
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 05.10.11 20:01. Заголовок: Благодарю..


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Пост N: 360
Info: http://zhistory.org.ua
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 10.10.14 21:15. Заголовок: http://zhistory.org..

http://zhistory.org.ua Спасибо: 0 
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